Flushing meadows of Sevijean's
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
né le

Flushing Meadows of Sévijean's "Connors"

Flushing Meadows of Sévijean's "Connors"

Flushing Meadows of Sévijean's "Connors"

Flushing Meadows of Sévijean's "Connors"

"Connors" et sa maman "Lilas"

Flushing Meadows of Sévijean's "Connors"

Flushing Meadows of Sévijean's "Connors"

Flushing Meadows of Sévijean's

Flushing Meadows of Sévijean's

Flushing Meadows of S

Flushing Meadows of Sévijean's, 2 ans

Flushing Meadows of Sévijean's, 2 ans

Flushing Meadows of Sévijean's, 2 ans
"Connors" est un gentil chien très équilibré.
Informations sur Flushing meadows of Sevijean's
Sexe | Mâle |
Puce | 250269201037798 |
Inscrit au LOF ? | LOF |
N° orgine | 92323/12109 |
Cotation | 1 - Confirmé |
Tares |
Dry eyes and curly coat : Indemne et non porteur Episodic Falling : Indemne et non porteur T.A.N. : 10/10 Tare cardiaque : MVD grade 1 au 27/06/2014 (Dr Haroutunian) Tare cardiaque : MVD grade 1 au 11/04/2015 (Pr Chetboul) Tare cardiaque : Grade 0 au 02/07/2011 Tare cardiaque : Grade 0 au 17/09/2012 Tare oculaire : Impeccable au 02/07/2011 (Dr Maisonneuve) |
Statut | Retraité |